
Betingelser og vilkår

Ved tilmeldelse accepterer du, at vi må bruge den data du har givet til at sende eller kontakte dig med information, som vi mener vil være interessant eller relevant for dig. Du kan til enhver tid afmelde dig denne service, og vi garanterer, at der vil være et link, som giver mulighed for dette i alle vores fællesmails. Du accepterer, at vi må kontakte dig med personlig en-til-en kommunikation. Eksempelvis ved at sende dig en beskæftigelses mail, svare på dine mails, eller ved at ringe dig op, hvis du beder om det. Indsamleren forbeholder sig retten til at afvise at sælge produkter til bestemte virksomheder og brancher.


Vi lover

1. Vi deler ikke dine personlige oplysninger med nogen. 2. Vi vil gøre alt hvad vi kan for at holde dine oplysninger sikre. 3. Vi vil kun sende mails med fornuftige intervaller. 4. Vi vil gøre vores bedste for at imødekomme alle regler omkring private oplysninger, spam og andre relevante regler og love. Hvis du ikke mener, at vi lever op til dette, bedes du kontakte os, så vi kan undersøge sagen.



By subscribing, you agree to let us use the data that you have provided to send or contact you with information that we think would be interesting or useful for you. You can unsubscribe at any time and we will make sure that there is a valid unsubscribe link in everything we send by mass mail. You agree to let us contact you via personal one-to-one communication. Examples of this may include sending you email address verification messages, and replying to queries sent from your mail address, as well as calling you on your request. The collector reserves the right to refuse to sell products to specific companies and industries.


We promise

1. We will not share your personal information with anyone else, ever. 2. We value your information. We will keep it as secure as we can. 3. We will only send mails at reasonable intervals. 4. We will do our best to meet all applicable privacy rules, spam, and other relevant rules and regulations. If you think we have failed to do that, please contact us so we can investigate and correct as required.